By submitting anything to Digshot Games, you affirm that you are either the creator of the original work and/or you have full rights to distribute the original work. Digshot Games does not claim ownership over and won't be held responsible for anything in connection with the original work. If you get sued, Digshot Games will not be held responsible.
By agreeing to these terms, you still have full rights over your original work. You grant Digshot Games the right to store, showcase and promote the original work, but you still retain ownership and full responsibility of it.
While Digshot Games may showcase and promote your original work, you understand that Digshot Games is not obligated to do so and may stop doing so at any time. You also understand that no legal relationship or contract is implied, stated or exists between you and Digshot Games
If you have any questions about this agreement, feel free to contact us and we will be happy to answer any questions.
Basically, we just want to make sure you know exactly what to expect from Digshot Games and what Digshot Games expects from you. Just don't submit anything that doesn't belong to you and I think we're good to go. Following these guidelines will help to protect the both of us.