Your search for the author "Devilish Games" returned 2 matches.
Fur Fur and Nublo
Author: Devilish Games
Fur Fur and Nublo need to work together in order to get fat lazy Fur Fur to the exit door. If it were up to Nublo he would just move himself through the air and enter all by himself. Instead he is tied down to this level until he can get his friend t...
Author: Devilish Games
Fur Fur and Nublo need to work together in order to get fat lazy Fur Fur to the exit door. If it were up to Nublo he would just move himself through the air and enter all by himself. Instead he is tied down to this level until he can get his friend t...
Cube Droid
Author: Devilish Games
Help this tiny little cube shaped robot come out of retirement and save the galaxy. Use your tiny robot brain to solve the puzzles that stand before between you and the precious batteries that you must collect.
Author: Devilish Games
Help this tiny little cube shaped robot come out of retirement and save the galaxy. Use your tiny robot brain to solve the puzzles that stand before between you and the precious batteries that you must collect.