'Tis better to have played and lost, than never to have played at all.

Your search for the author "xkcd.com" returned 55 matches.

  Author: xkcd.com
'Are you stealing those LCDs?' 'Yeah, but I'm doing it while my code compiles.'
Shopping Teams
  Author: xkcd.com
As if you don't make yourself crazy enough. Here is a good reason not to bring anyone with you who might have an opinion about your next purchase.
Excessive Quotation
  Author: xkcd.com
Unfortunately for her, real Star Wars fans are attracted to a gal with a good force choke.
Aeris Dies
  Author: xkcd.com
It's bad enough that all the families in your Sims are just you and Maggie recreated over and over.
  Author: xkcd.com
I'm always so happy that I successfully navigated the introduction that I completely forget to pay attention to the name the other person told me.
  Author: xkcd.com
I mean, the black-and-white stuff was running backward, but it hardly mattered to the story.
With apologies to the Who
  Author: xkcd.com
Trivia: Roger Daltry originally wrote 'Don't try an' Digg what we all say' but erased the second 'g' when he moved to reddit.
  Author: xkcd.com
Life is too short for man pages, but occasionally much too short without them.
Online Package Tracking
  Author: xkcd.com
I don't even *want* this package! Why did I join the stinging insect of the month club, anyway?
Devotion to Duty
  Author: xkcd.com
The weird sense of duty really good sysadmins have can border on the sociopathic, but it's nice to know that it stands between the forces of darkness and your cat blog's servers.
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