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Your search for the author "amazingsuperpowers" returned 57 matches.

  Author: amazingsuperpowers.com
For them, pulling out is a very reliable form of contraception.
See Boys
  Author: amazingsuperpowers.com
"Besides, your brother already has the car tonight."
The Magic Board Game
  Author: amazingsuperpowers.com
'Will you visit us in Jail, dad?'
Sex Talk
  Author: amazingsuperpowers.com
Birds and bees? Yeah, I guess they'd be blown away too by how much awesome sex I have.
Hard Days Work
  Author: amazingsuperpowers.com
He would play some Solitaire if he didn't keep putting it off.
Kung Fu
  Author: amazingsuperpowers.com
'I'll need that back for my intramural lacrosse game.'
Astronaut Training
  Author: amazingsuperpowers.com
The more important issue here is that now the moon is HAUNTED
Show and Tell
  Author: amazingsuperpowers.com
'Son, you made me kill with my bare hands today. No TV for a week.'
Wizard's Way
  Author: amazingsuperpowers.com
The owl is buckled in for maximum impact upon crash.
  Author: amazingsuperpowers.com
At least it's better than Easter when he just hides all the eggs in his van.
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